Public Relations

Director of Planning Division and all personnel Declaration of intent not to accept gifts and gifts of all kinds from the performance of duties (No Gift Policy)

Director of Planning Division and all personnel Declaration of intent not to accept gifts and gifts of all kinds from the performance of duties (No Gift Policy)

By : Apichet Panya / 09 Feb. 2565 / Views 375

President of Phayao University Has announced the intention of No Gift Policy by specifying the University of Phayao announcement regarding the intention not to accept gifts and gifts of all kinds. From the performance of duties (NO Gift Policy) dated February 9, 2022, public relations to the departments within the university. To drive the announcement of the intention to the management department and all personnel. Acknowledge and strictly adhere to all Its purpose is to promote the prevention of corruption and misconduct in accordance with the country's reform plans and government policies. and support the university's mission in modern management Efficient, transparent and good governance

The Planning Division is aware of the importance of strengthening morality and transparency in the performance of personnel in accordance with the principles of good governance. Director of Planning Division and all personnel We therefore declare our intent not to accept gifts and gifts of any kind from the performance of duties (No Gift Policy) either before or after performing duties. which will result in corruption and misconduct including not cooperating or supporting any form of corruption and misconduct All personnel are required to continuously and strictly comply with the aforementioned declaration of intent. and aims to encourage personnel in the unit to have the attitude and value of working with integrity have a good conscience responsible for duty To an organizational culture according to ethical standards under the Code of Ethics of Phayao University B.E. 2021


Director of Planning Division and all personnel Declaration of intent not to accept gifts and gifts of all kinds from the performance of duties (No Gift Policy)

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