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University of Phayao rated Evaluation of integrity and transparency In Public Sector Operations (ITA) Fiscal Year 2022 AA level 95.80 points

University of Phayao rated Evaluation of integrity and transparency In Public Sector Operations (ITA) Fiscal Year 2022 AA level 95.80 points

By : Apichet Panya / 02 Aug. 2565 / Views 453

According to the Office of the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) conducts regular assessments on integrity and transparency assessment (ITA) of government agencies. Fiscal Year 2022, together with the Monitoring and Monitoring Unit of Assessment To make government agencies aware of the situation regarding integrity and transparency as well as to promote and develop the government agencies to use the results of the ITA assessment to improve the organization's efficiency. in terms of operations, services and facilitation to the people. In addition, the assessment has been designated as a tool for raising the standards of government operations according to the indicators of the Master Plan under the National Strategy. Anti-Corruption and Misconduct Issues 2018 – 2037, during 1 January 2022 – 30 July 2022, with the target group being 8 government agencies participating in the ITA assessment,

For the ITA assessment for fiscal year 2022, the NACC by the Office of Integrity and Transparency Assessment, the Regional NACC Office and the Provincial NACC have jointly carried out the assessment process as follows: The results of the assessment of integrity and transparency in the implementation of government agencies (ITA) for fiscal year 2022 were announced on August 1, 2022 according to the Board of Directors' resolution. NACC No. 77/2565 on July 12, 2022, which Phayao University It was rated 95.80 for the Fiscal Year 2022 Integrity and Transparency Assessment of Public Sector Organizations (ITA) with a score of 95.80, ranking 2 out of 86 higher education institutions.

University of Phayao The results of the assessment of integrity and transparency in the operation of government agencies (ITA) for fiscal year 2022 were higher than before. In the fiscal year 2021, it was rated A-level ITA assessment with a score of 94.96 points, ranked 7th out of 83 higher education institutions. will bring the results of such assessments to improve the organization to have better management continuously and will adhere to the principles of integrity and transparency have good governance in the work even more

News Information : Anchana Pinta

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